Michael Grant Miller

Hello! Thankyou for visiting my page. My name is Michael Miller, and this is my website. I am a recent cybersecurity graduate from the University of North Georgia, in the Fall of 2022. I currently serve as the Network Administrator for Unified Defense/ Prince Service & Manufacturing, and also lead the cybersecurity program here. I have a bachelors degree in Cybersecurity, and am currently prepping to take the CompTIA Security + & Network +. My goal is to continue growing and developing in the cybersecurity industry, and be an asset for someone and their company. Please click the toolbar on the top right of the page to view my previous projects and learn more about me!

Some key acomplishments I am proud of in my young career include the following:

  • Graduating UNG with a 3.7 & Cum Laude.
  • Contributing and excelling in the NSA codebreaker challenge with the UNG CyberHawks.
  • Obtaining an internship in a SOC environment at the age of 20.
  • Obtaining a Network Administration job at the age of 22, right out of college.
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